Girl Power

Fearless – being human
Got Your Back – wisdom / friendship
Said the Princess – I can do anything
Messy – life’s for learning
Better Listenin’ Blues – I answer honestly
Scary Guy – playful positivity
“Lessia’s Crew” – our story
Einstein – making a difference
Monkey – mind your thoughts
Whatever – feels better
Believe That – the world’s not flat
Wisdom – searching for truth
Johnny Depp – BF flaw forgiveness
Everybody Tells Her – ADHD me
Einstein – Sonoma tweens
Girl For You – self esteem / love
Nonconformist Rap – keeping things real
Tucked In – folky mindfulness
Fearless – being human
1 of 18
Got Your Back – wisdom / friendship
2 of 18
Said the Princess – I can do anything
3 of 18
Messy – life’s for learning
4 of 18
Better Listenin’ Blues – I answer honestly
5 of 18
Scary Guy – playful positivity
6 of 18
“Lessia’s Crew” – our story
7 of 18
Einstein – making a difference
8 of 18
Monkey – mind your thoughts
9 of 18
Whatever – feels better
10 of 18
Believe That – the world’s not flat
11 of 18
Wisdom – searching for truth
12 of 18
Johnny Depp – BF flaw forgiveness
13 of 18
Everybody Tells Her – ADHD me
14 of 18
Einstein – Sonoma tweens
15 of 18
Girl For You – self esteem / love
16 of 18
Nonconformist Rap – keeping things real
17 of 18
Tucked In – folky mindfulness
18 of 18