Don’t Worry – Think Happy unit with cool song
This anti worrying interactive unit helps students tame negative thinking. Lose the stress – save your day!
The unit includes a playful and potent song that uses humor to teach mindfulness.
It’s perfect for gifted students, perfectionists, and any kid who worries habitually. It’s even a useful reminder for the teacher.
Included in this powerful resource:
- studio recorded Monkey song – with full band and gifted teen student vocal lyrics (because your kids will want to sing along!)
- Teacher directions which easily align with standards
- Interactive Notebook pages to use as lesson responses and as graphic organizers for writing pieces
- A Monkey Dice game to play for brainstorming
- Suggested writing prompts
- A Close Read activity for use with any lyrics
- Posters, bookmarks, and writing papers (all papers in lined, unlined, color, and grayscale)
- Great conversation starters:
a blog post about “Monkey”
2 video lessons about “Monkey”