Hello there, everyone. Please enjoy our mindful music, insightful lyrics and wisdom-packed videos all created to lift the spirit and brighten a person’s day. “Sing a song, get a clue” is our motto. Our library full of deep thoughts tucked in clever lyrics sits waiting for you 🙂
First off, below is Jessie being brave and positive – sure to melt your heart with her point of view:

Jessie Bridges, daughter of the ‘Dude,’ owns the sweet voice.

Who Are These People
In a nutshell, we were a fun-loving teen choir lead by a coach who was very much our Yoda. Lessia Bonn wrote songs to teach us that “whatever” feels better, mindfulness matters, and kindness is key. We studio recorded her terrific tunes – and voile’! #Masterpieces! 🙂 These days we’ve been sprinkling our music around the world sharing with other kids, teens, families – anyone in search of a more positivity, joy and insight. Sing a song, get a clue!
TAXI music: “Fresh voices on deep wisdom. There’s nothing like it!”
Yay! We’ll take it. Here’s hoping the songs that perked up our attitudes back in the day now bring heaps of positivity your way too. Happiness and hugs… Lessia’s Crew
We cherish all our fan mail. Thank you.
Finding Fearless
I teach in a rough neighborhood where the kids are the most vulnerable and defensive students I've ever had. My school has kids graduate 6th moving onto a school with 7th-12th graders in one building. This does NOT help that self-preservation mechanism they have-to help yourself at any cost (even if it will hurt others). I was asked to teach the 6th graders a song for graduation and have been searching for months. When I found Fearless, and in the middle of Barnes & Noble, I started weeping - it says everything I want them to remember. Thank you for the lasting impression your song will leave on their lives.
Monkey assist
My tween daughter was going crazy in her new school. BIG drama, which tends to be her style. But then, lo and behold she started running around the house singing your Monkey song--now she seems better. I think it calmed her way down.
Peaceful Passing
My teenage daughter found your song on the internet and recorded herself singing it for her grandfather. During the past week in hospice with him, we played the song over and over. It was the last recorded song he heard. Each time it brought him peace and seemed to give him strength to step forward into the next life. Thank you again for using your gift to bless so many...
Teens in a car
I was driving around town with my friends and this awesome song comes on. Everyone starts singing along and I'm thinking... "Wait a minute, I KNOW this song! I LOVE this song!" Turns out Fearless has found it's way to the other HS and all my friends there know it too! Oh, and it turns out Crumble is all over that high school too. Small world.
So my mom's like, "Listen to these songs. You'll love them!" and I'm like, "Duh, mom. I only listen to stuff I know that everybody knows that's new." But then I started listening anyway, and it was strange. I ended up loving these songs SO much, now they're the only songs I wanna listen to. I'm addicted.
I was supposed to pick someone for my big "hero" project at middle school. All the other kids in my class picked relatives, but I picked Lessia Bonn and her songs because the songs changed my way of seeing the world. I figure that's pretty hero-worthy!
I don't know how she does it, but she has this knack of knowing EXACTLY how we're all feeling about life ... then she just puts all that feeling into a song. Makes me teary just to think about how she can do that. It's awesome to be understood.
Rock star
My students all LOVE your songs. You have become a rock star in our classroom! Thanks so much for creating these great resources to help us build the kind of people we want to inhabit our world!
Love for Enough
I teach MS choir in a high poverty city close to near Detroit. I don't have any money or music budget to purchase music and so it's really hard to find songs that students like. I teach one class with severely cognitively impaired students- I was going to make it a general music class, but when I played them Enough they loved it and said they wanted to sing. One boy is very shy and today when they were taking turns coming up to sing another song in front of others - this boy said "ok I will come up but only if I can sing Enough!"
MS Appreciation
As a middle school teacher, I really appreciate your music and lesson plans. The depth contained in your material well prepares students for the social studies lessons we present to them later on. What you are up to is so wonderful and needed! It’s also truly original and inspiring. There’s nothing else like it.
All the words
My students are asking for your songs during their quiet work time, they want to learn all the words. Oh, and for the Freeze Game too. We’re also learning one of your songs in Sign Language as well as using them for our end of the year slide show. Your songs and lesson plans seem to hit everything we’ve been talking about all year. Thank you for your wonderful contributions to building a caring classroom and wonderful young citizens!
Wise kids
My students had many many songs to choose from for their graduation. Your Gift song was everyone's choice - they never tire of it! I believe it makes them feel wise!
Winning over fussies
My very fussy kids who usually roll their eyes at anything unfamiliar? They LOVE your songs! Thank you so much for coming up with songs that are so engaging and relatable, the tough sells can't help themselves - they're in! Yay I win. Classroom appropriate AND meaningful.
big decision
Before "the nonconformist" became a hit at their school, our kids were followers. But then one day at the dinner table, my oldest asks me, "dad, am I a conformist or a nonconformist?" I laughed. He decided, "Dad, being a nonconformist is cooler. From now on, I'm gonna be a NONconformist." His mother was so relieved, as you can imagine. His younger sister followed his lead since she copies everything he does.
I sang a Lessia Bonn song to audition for our high school musical and afterwards all my music teacher could say was “WHERE did you GET that AMAZING song??
whatever feels better
I don't get mad so much at my friends anymore. I just sing Whatever and feel better! hahahaha it also works with my mom.
Bless my mess
When I auditioned for American Idol, I sang your song Messy. The girl in line behind me, who is btw from a completely different state haha, got all excited and said, "I know that song! I LOOOOOVE Messy!" Just thought you'd like to know Messy has been getting around 🙂