
We created this website to celebrate sweet insights planted in lyrics, miraculous melodies that make us feel much better, and the sincere belief that trying situations can improve if we just take a breath, dig deep, and figure out the ‘why’ of things. And if a song can help us out, how amazing is that?

Becoming a Genre

Back in the day, we were a fun-loving teen choir called Lessia’s Crew. Our ringleader, Lessia Bonn, listened to our problems and also wrote songs that helped us bless our mess. Her tunes were so useful we decided to record them. After all, we had artful voices, inspiring material, and even Justin Timberlake’s drummer playing for us. How lucky is that?

Long story short, we ended up with a sweet library of studio-recorded songs with the power to help others too. With themes that include courage and kindness, mindfulness, social justice, dealing with worry, tolerance, and more, we’d stumbled on a magical genre all our own.

TAXI music: “Fresh voices on deep wisdom. There’s nothing like it!” 

Yay! We’ll take it. Here’s hoping the songs that helped us back in the day, now help you. Happiness and hugs…